On Tuesday, Red Hat introduced the software, which combines the functions of the communications processing system, real-time operating system and distributed computing system. It is designed for enterprises that want to OS capable of very rapid processing of messages and transactions.
The system of Red Hat Enterprise MRG (Messaging, Realtime and Grid), which is planned for release early next year and sell on subscription models, the next step-Red Hat to implement its strategy of "automation" aimed at simplifying the implementation and operation of applications in a distributed computing environment . The idea of automation that best simplify the introduction of IT applications, wherever it worked: the hosting service, the physical server or virtual environment. Public Beta MRG will be available at the end of the week, to participate in the process of testing can register online.
MRG will not only play the role of interim reports for processing, such as IBM MQSeries or Tibco of Tibco Software, but also adds the possibility of real-time systems, as well as the distribution of tasks and computing resources. In addition to establishing the level of software on top of the operating system to handle messages with a short time delay, MRG will also be able to plan tasks and allocate resources in heterogeneous infrastructures. For example, if an enterprise idle desktop computers Windows, MRG will be able to include them in a common pool of resources and computer use for other purposes. This functionality is based on the integration of technology management MRG with Intel vPro desktop PCs.
To create the infrastructure open-source MRG Red Hat uses mainly two technology projects. One of them is developing a standard Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) to describe the process of communication between different systems, and is supported by companies such as Cisco, Credit Suisse and JP Morgan Chase. Another is a project open-source the University of Wisconsin to develop a high-performance computing environment Condor, which offers a way to efficiently allocate and utilize IT computing capacity. Red Hat is working with the University for production of the source code under license Condor approved Open Source Initiative organization, and participates in the financing of the project.
According to the Chief The 451 Group analyst William Fellouza, MRG uniquely combines multiple technologies to those Andersen, which require OS for processing transactions for Microseconds. This is especially important for the financial services industry, "where there is delay [communications] sets the stage for arbitration - that is allows people to make that they were the first to have access to information". Fellouz added that Red Hat would probably decided to submit its new internet work reports to the forthcoming update of MQSeries.
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