Sabir Bhatia (Sabeer Bhatia), which gained fame in 1997, after selling Microsoft for $ 400 million online mail service Hotmail, says that the new service an even greater commercial potential. He made a bid for a set of online business applications that must compete with similar products of Microsoft and Google.
The company from Bangalore Collaboration Software Technologies (InstaColl), which is co-founder Bhatia, has opened an online service Live Documents, which allows to store and edit documents, as well as work together on them through any Web browser that supports Adobe Flash, and on any operating system.
The documents and work offline using additional client-add-on program for Microsoft Office, which ensures that online teamwork. When a user connects to the network, Live Documents synchronizes documents.
For individual users of the service, which is currently in the beta stage limited, will be free, but businesses will have to pay a subscription or purchase a license to install software on the server. In Live Documents applied technology Adobe Flash and Flex-company claims that they work better online Google applications, which it calls a truncated version of Microsoft Office. And Microsoft will not sacrifice its business box software, to offer a full range of online office applications, which gives a chance to market participants such as InstaColl.
InstaColl aims at the market for office, which for this year is estimated at $ 20 billion, and the market for teamwork. The company decided to offer the service free of charge for personal use to publicize it. Now when working in offline it supports only Microsoft Office, but in the coming months InstaColl promises to add support for At the same time the company plans to release its own desktop client to work with documents in the offline.
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